GUEST POST : Your Word, Your Life


Written by : Bro Paul Olatunde

Have you ever meditated on Psalm 34:12-13 that says "Do you want a
good life? Then watch your tongue". Your tongue though the least in
the 5sensory organs carries a gargantuan amount of power. Your words
are like bullet. Once it is spoken, it goes straight to where you
directed it.

Let me quickly take you on a journey into the life of Bro Samson and
King David. Do you remember the last prayer of Samson? (Judges 16:
Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines!" Then he pushed with
all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the
people in it." And he DIED. I want you to NOTE something he said those
sentences out of FRUSTRATION and PAIN. His hair began to grow when he
was captured which simply connote that his power was returning yet he
failed to use it to his own merit. I picture the scenario and I know
that he would have been in pain yet if he had asked for God's mercy,
God would have saved him. He got what he said. Be careful of the
words you say due to frustration or pain.

David was a Man of War. When he was young, he was sent by his father
to the camp of the Israelites to give his brothers food (as at that
time, Israelites were at war with the Philistines). Goliath was the
major antagonist he was a Menace to Israelites but David volunteered
to fight him
On getting to the Battle front, he said something that was shocking
1st Sam 17:47 "This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I
will STRIKE you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead
bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air
and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that
there is a God in Israel"
He spoke what he desired and it was granted unto him. Even in the
midst of that precarious situation he was confident of his words
because he knew the POWER in spoken words.

Have you always been professing negative words to yourself? I advise
you to stop it! Even if it seems as if the situation is not getting
better you have to remain positive. Your negative words will only add
"Petrol to the burning fire." James 3:8 says "The tongue is full of
deadly poison......" But if it is used wisely, it can be used to kill
off problems.

Let me give you two Bible verses about the mouth. Proverbs 18:20 "From
the fruit of their mouth a person's stomach is filled; with the
harvest of their lips they are satisfied." Proverbs 8:6-7 "Hear, for
I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right,
for my mouth will utter truth...."

Your mouth(tongue) is one of the most fundamental tool in fulfilling
destiny. Speak Good things to your life always.

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