The significance of PRAYER, so you don't end up as a PREY

Its possible to be a CHURCH PERSON and not be a GOD PERSON but you can't be a GOD PERSON and not have a very DEEP love for the church of God.


# The way you PRAY when you are ALONE is your real PRAYER LIFE..

Its not how you pray or lead prayers in church that defines your real capacity in the secret place.......

# It takes DISCIPLINE to maintain a healthy prayer life. When you have to wake up even though you are still feeling sleepy, when you have to leave the COMFORT of your room, when you have to just obey that prompting to speak in the Holy Ghost for no reason known to you, when you just KNOW that you should be praying whether you feel like it or not . It takes serious DISCIPLINE

# From MY LIFE, i can boldly tell you that its EASIER to pray today and tomorrow than it is to pray today and next week......

# Get back your fire. You MAY not really know what PRAYER is ACHIEVING in YOUR LIFE until you stop praying. May you NEVER get there in Jesus name

 Consistency brings ORDER into our walk with God..

Of a truth, the FLESH profits nothing... The flesh doesn't want you to PRAY..

You just have to keep praying until it becomes your life. Until the spirit of prayer comes, until you cannot but pray......

Keep praying.. It takes serious DISCIPLINE.. Keep at it.... Men ought ALWAYS to pray and not to faint...

One thing about having a healthy prayer life is that you don't have to really have a "special prayer" before you hear God concerning a particular issue... In having a prayer life, you hear God easily about what you should know /do....

In an atmosphere of prayer, NOTHING catches you unawares... You're always in the KNOWING..

A prayerful man is worth envying.

# It easier to pray today and tomorrow than it is to pray today and next week.

I KNOW what I'm saying.

Don't stop praying....

# Its easier to SEE what is coming from afar and WALK AWAY when you have a HEALTHY prayer life...

If you were a machine, prayer gives oil to your engine. It keeps you AHEAD. It makes you FRESH

# Once you stop PRAYING , they start PREYING over you...

You want to be stronger than your enemies... PRAYER is your weapon.....

# The devil doesn't have to stop you from getting invitations to minister (in songs or word), all he needs to do is to stop you from PRAYING...

Without prayer, the question is not whether you will become a PREY or not, the question HOW SOON..? VERY SOON ...


# When it comes to the things of the spirit, you cannot be too careful in maintaining your stand where He has PLANTED you .

The devil is NOT ugly

Ojo Michael (2019)

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